3 Signs You Need a New AC Installation in Kaplan, LA

With the scorching summers in Kaplan, LA, having a reliable air conditioning system is essential for maintaining comfort and even safety. However, like any mechanical equipment, air conditioners have a limited lifespan and may eventually need replacement. Read on to explore three signs that indicate the need for a new AC installation.

Scheduling Frequent AC Repairs

As your AC system ages, its components deteriorate, resulting in breakdowns and malfunctions. If it breaks down repeatedly, it may be time to replace it. Generally, if you end up spending more than half the cost of a new AC system on repairs, you’re better off replacing it altogether.

Paying Higher Energy Bills

If you’ve noticed a steady increase in energy bills despite regular usage patterns, your aging AC system could be to blame. As air conditioners age, they lose efficiency, leading to higher energy consumption.

Newer air conditioner models meet stricter energy efficiency standards, which can significantly lower your cooling costs. By replacing your old unit with a new, more energy-efficient model, you can enjoy substantial savings on your monthly utility bills.

However, remember that this might also be a sign that you need AC repair, not a brand-new air conditioner. If your AC system is still relatively new, it may be worth calling an expert for air conditioning repairs instead of replacing your system right away.

Hearing Excessive Noise

Air conditioners tend to get noisier over time due to wear and tear on internal components. If you’ve noticed a significant increase in the noise levels produced by your AC system, it could be a sign of underlying issues.

While some air conditioning repairs may address the noise temporarily, a new AC installation can provide a quieter cooling experience. Newer models incorporate noise reduction features, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable indoor environment.

With a rich history dating back to 1967, our third-generation, family-operated HVAC company has been serving the community with excellence and commitment. Contact Fred’s Plumbing and Air Conditioning today for all your AC installation needs in Kaplan, LA, and let us keep your family cool and comfortable for years to come.

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