3 Signs of a Faulty Furnace Limit Switch in Maurice, LA
A limit switch is a special safety device that automatically turns off your furnace if its interior temperature becomes too high. Since its purpose is to prevent fires, overheating and other hazards, it’s absolutely essential this switch works properly. Here are three signs that the furnace in your Maurice, LA, home may have a faulty limit switch:
Constant Blower Operation
Since the limit switch should shut down your furnace during certain potentially dangerous situations, the first sign that something may be wrong is that your system completely refuses to turn off. Your furnace should undergo fairly regular cycles of both operation and rest that follow the changes in your home’s interior temperature. Constant operation, however, is both abnormal and potentially dangerous.
The primary danger lies in the fact that your furnace can overheat and sustain significant damage if it never turns off. Even if a malfunctioning limit switch is ultimately not the reason for this behavior, you should always request professional help the moment you notice it.
Faulty Short-Cycling Furnace
Short cycling is a term describing how HVAC systems can sometimes turn off before they complete proper cycles. Just as your furnace’s limit switch may not work often enough, so it may also work too often and cause short cycling. Both behaviors are destructive.
However, you should keep in mind that many other things, like an excessive buildup of debris inside your furnace, may also trigger short cycling. The best way to minimize the risk of this happening is to ask HVAC service technicians to give your furnace a tuneup every year.
Expelling Cool Air
If your furnace’s limit switch has failed, it may stop generating warm air, even as its blowers continue to work. In such a situation, your furnace will only expel room-temperature air into your home, which will probably feel relatively cold.
If you notice any issues with your furnace’s limit switch, you may be in serious danger. To set everything right, call Fred’s Plumbing and Air Conditioning to ask for our furnace repair services and fix your faulty system.
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